Good chemical advice – Bra Kemråd
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- Good chemical advice – Bra Kemråd
If you are a farmer or a dairy purchaser you can find and choose among chemical products that are assessed and approved regarding environmental and health properties.
For the farmer
Detergents (Rengöringsmedel)
Disinfectants (Desinfektionsmedel)
Udder care products (Juvervårdsprodukter)
Hoof care products (Klövvårdsprodukter)
For suppliers
For producers and suppliers Bra Kemråd is an easy way to introduce chemical products to farmers and dairies. See the files below for more information and to apply for approval.
As of January 1st 2024, prices for applications and assessments are adjusted
The criteria are, as of June 2023, updated with the CLP regulation’s hazard classes.
As of September 2022, products containing iodine, which are classified as H37, are exempted from the health requirements and can thus be approved.
As of January 2022, products must not contain substances on the SIN list
As of June 2021, hoof care products no longer need approval from danish Fødevarestyrelsen.
About Bra Kemråd
Bra Kemråd (Good Chemical Advice) is a nongovernmental system for the environmental assessment of chemicals used on the dairy farm. The Swedish dairy companies and Dairy Sweden have developed criteria for the assessment. Manufacturers and suppliers may apply to be approved.
The assessment is carried out by an independent third party consulting firm, Goodpoint AB. Recommendations from Bra Kemråd gives important guidance in the work for a sustainable Swedish milk production.
Hasitha Priyashantha
076 788 04 50E-post:
hasitha.priyashantha@lrf.seAnna Persson, Goodpoint
Frågor om ansökningar och bedömningar
046 16 03 84E-post: